Compliance Tickets in Irving

Compliance Tickets in Irving

The Beltz Law Firm


Compliance Irving Ticket Lawyer Help

Ticket Lawyer Help

Compliance tickets in Irving are issued when the operator of a motor vehicle fails to maintain the vehicle he or she is operating in compliance with the law . Examples of compliance tickets include failure to maintain financial responsibility (no insurance tickets) , expired or no registration, expired or no inspection, driving with only one license plate on the vehicle, unlawful  window tint, and lights not properly working . These types of cases are considered strict liability violations . In other words, a person’s intent is not at issue when charging the crime. “I didn’t know” or “It isn’t my car” is of no consequence to an officer when issuing the ticket.

The city of Irving however like many cities will consider dismissal of the charges if the defendant corrects the violation within a timely manner . sometimes, the dismissal will cost the defendant nothing , for example, if the defendant provides proof of verifiable insurance from the date of the offense , the court will dismiss the case without any fee . if the defendant, corrects an expired registration ticket within the time allowed by law and the registration was not expired more than 60 days prior to the date of the ticket , the court can dismiss the charge with a $20 dismissal fee .

However, not all offenses may be dismissed just because the defendant corrects the violation.  Some require verified proof of the correction in a specified time or penalty payments when correcting violation in order to qualify for a dismissal. Still other requirements for a dismissal may include physical evidence such as photographs or receipts .

The easiest thing to do is to contact our office when you receive the violation so we can assist you in taking the right steps to have your case dismissed for the least amount of money and in the proper manner .

Irving Traffic Attorney

Irving Traffic Attorney

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