Attorney For Warrants In Irving Municipal Court

Ticket Lawyer In Irving

Irving Ticket Lawyers

Irving Ticket Lawyers

Warrants Removed In Irving



If you have outstanding tickets in Irving Municipal Court that have gone into warrant status and are considering the best action to take going forward, our experienced team of legal professionals may be able to help you.  Warrants in Irving, Texas are a delicate issue that must be handled with care in order to protect your driving record, insurance rates and substantial financial penalties that could be handed down by Texas DPS.  After reading this article, if you would like to discuss your case with an attorney familiar with Irving Municipal Court and the removal of warrants contact our office.

Removing Irving Warrants

The removal of a warrant in Irving Municipal Court begins with the submission of a document referred to as a “surety bond.”  A surety bond is a written promise made between your lawyer and Irving Municipal Court that negotiates the release of the threat of arrest.  Once this document is submitted and approved the warrant is lifted.  However, this is not the end of the case.  Many think that once the warrant is lifted the case is resolved.  This is not true.  The surety bond only removes the warrant but does not resolve the ticket.  That must be done at a later court date.


Irving Traffic Attorney

Irving Traffic Attorney

The new court date is usually received about 10 days after the warrant is removed.  Normally, the attorney will go into Irving Municipal Court and negotiate a settlement of the case that both protects your driving record and saves you some money.  If requested, time served can be granted.  However, in most cases time served will not be the best option due to the fact that it will cause a conviction to be reported against you.  Convictions, once reported are seriously damaging to a person’s driving record.  In some cases, financial penalties can be 3 times the original amount of the traffic ticket.

To discuss your case with an attorney in Irving familiar with tickets and warrant removal contact our office today.